
Workshop Organizers

  • Dr.-Ing. Mohsen Kaboli, Senior research scientist in Robotics, AI, and Tactile Intelligence, BMW Group AI, Robotics Center of Excellence, Munich, Germany.
  • Prof. Lisa-Marie Faller, Professor of Robotics, Faculty of Engineering & IT, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences: FH Kärnten, Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach, Austria.
  • Dr. Lorenzo Natale, Director of the Humanoid Sensing and Perception Lab, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Italy.
  • Dr. Robert Haschke, Senior Research Scientist and Group leader in Neuroinformatics Institute, Bielefeld University, Germany.
  • Prof. Ravinder Dahiya, Professor of Electronics and Nanoengineering and EPSRC Research Fellow in the School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, UK.